Know me, know my spending power: The future of personalisation

While much talked about, creative and exciting uses of personalisation by brands are still fairly limited. Here we look at what technology might allow in the future

Personalisation is practically a cliché at the moment as brands are looking for ways to create content that speaks to us directly. From Spotify’s end of year reports to Ocado’s Good News campaign, we’ve almost come to expect the brands we love to know us as individuals, and show it.

In fact, research from A Million Ads and Attest has shown three in four consumers find it annoying to listen to the same ads over and over again, with more than half revealing they are more likely to buy a product if an ad is personalised.

Instant gratification and ad fatigue can counteract creative campaign efforts. “There is almost an ‘immune response’ to ads,” says Thomas Z Ramsøy, CEO and founder of Neurons Inc, which combines neuroscience with AI to accurately predict consumer responses.

One answer is contextually relevant advertising, says Kim Aspeling, A Million Ads’ head of creative: “Personalised dynamic audio allows brands to tap into contextual data points such as the time of day, the weather or the listener’s location,” she says.

Personalisation is certainly not a new concept when it comes to advertising – the industry has been capitalising on ‘signals’ to ensure a personalised user experience for years.