Getting started on that long-lost project

With the UK in lockdown, and much of the creative community with some unexpected time on their hands, there’s never been a better time to tackle that project you’ve always dreamed of doing. But how to get started? Richard Holman has some tips

If you’re reading this then there’s a good chance you’re a creative professional. And if you’re a creative professional then there’s an equally good chance that you have a long lost personal project tucked away somewhere in a bottom drawer. Maybe that’s the bottom drawer of the desk where you’re sitting right now, or maybe it’s a more metaphorical one, somewhere in the deep recesses of your mind, tucked between best laid plans and good intentions.

No matter where it resides, that long ignored personal project, be it your novel, screenplay, painting, whatever, has, let’s face it, always been more of an idea than a reality, because life as a creative professional is busy. There’s the daily commute on a packed train to the studio; there are the meetings – the useful ones and the meetings about meetings; and there are the conversations by the kettle about the latest must-see on Netflix.

At least there used to be.

But not anymore.

Now we all have rather more time on our hands.

Even if you’re one of the lucky ones who has been able to hang on to some paying work, you’re probably finding that now there are more hours in the day. Without the meetings and the commute and the conversations, things take less time than they did just a few weeks ago. And maybe that’s got you thinking again about the contents of that bottom drawer.

Could now be the time, finally, to begin?