
Inspiration, innovation and key developments from the art world

How much should arts unis be pushing purpose?

Do art and design universities have a responsibility to drive social purpose or is it a distraction for students? We hear from UAL’s chief social purpose officer Polly Mackenzie, designer Sana Iqbal, and LJMU programme leader Pete Thomas

Image shows an abstract pastel coloured painting of a person's face

How the internet changed visual culture

Omar Kholeif’s new book charts the rise of networked culture and its relationship with creativity. We hear from the writer and curator about the biggest turning points and what ‘internet art’ really means

Made in Japan 20th Century Poster Art

The evolution of poster art in post-war Japan

A new exhibition is exploring how poster art shifted the image of Japan during the 20th century. We hear from its curators about how Japanese culture, history and linguistics offered ripe inspiration for designers and artists